Trusted by Industry Leaders



The worst time to develop an incident response plan is during a crisis. CYGNVS guides you through the necessary steps to mobilize your incident response team quickly and efficiently.

  • Convert static incident plans into dynamic software with tasks and alerts
  • Host live response plans and procedures 
  • Access your plans anytime, anywhere with the CYGNVS mobile app

Curated playbook library

Choose the incident response playbook that best meets your needs, or import your own to start preparing for a cyber crisis.


Workflow accountability 

Onboard critical resources in advance of an incident, assign tasks and workstreams, then track progress via a single pane of glass.


Fine-grained access controls 

Set the tabletop ahead of time by deciding who is needed where, and what should be restricted.



Simply having a plan doesn’t guarantee a successful response. Practice ensures that you have the right people involved, and they are ready to spring into action when a crisis occurs.   

  • Train where you fight—stress test the totality of your cyber response in a real-time environment 
  • Exercise guided tabletop simulations with executive stakeholders 
  • Review and store tabletop results to improve IR plans

Accessible anywhere

Incidents can happen anytime—practice with your response team on the go via our native mobile apps. 


Guided tabletop exercises 

Optimize your incident response playbooks and build muscle memory with guided tabletop exercises and realistic simulations. 


Test and improve response plans over time

Easily update existing plans based on outcomes from previous practice sessions.



Delays in responding to a cyber crisis can be costly. Reduce the chaos by responding quickly and efficiently to lessen the impact of a cyber crisis and get back to business faster. 

  • Rapidly connect teams and third-party vendors
  • Unlock guided playbooks and access-controlled workstreams ensure consistent and correct response
  • Provide confidence to make timely decisions and restore business operations
Isolate Mode

Isolate Mode

Operate out-of-band during a crisis—and afterwards, securely reconnect to your network to share data. 


Dynamic Tenancy™

Ensure privilege and manage granular stakeholder access with our patented technology. 


Monitor your response timeline

Easily document all steps taken and view the timeline of the incident for reporting. 



In today's constantly advancing regulatory environment, timely and accurate reporting is crucial. CYGNVS simplifies this complex process, equipping you to report efficiently while maintaining full control. 

  • Pre-built reporting templates
  • Collaborate with outside counsel on content/approval
  • Track and manage submissions 

Stay ahead of evolving regulations

With over 70 pre-built report templates spanning key global jurisdictions, including SEC, GDPR, CCPA, and more. 


Control reporting activity

Manage report creation workflows, track the status on reporting dashboards, and use pre-approved editable templates to control external messaging. 


Confidently demonstrate intent

Use audit trails as evidence that your plan was followed, satisfying a critical requirement of regulatory bodies, customer and stakeholder.


Purpose-built for Cyber Incident Response

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Manage the entire lifecycle of a cyber crisis with CYGNVS.