Thank you for submitting this cyber event. Shortly, you will receive an email from CYGNVS Support <> with a unique reference number. 

A member of the Marsh cyber claims team will be assigned to contact your client as soon as reasonably practicable. It is imperative that you begin helping your client before a claims team member is assigned. The initial support and guidance you provide to your client can have a positive impact on the outcome of a cyber event.

First, direct your client to their primary carrier’s emergency intake hotline or email. You can offer to call the hotline on behalf of your client – be ready to provide a short description of the event, policy number, and client contact information.

Second, immediately advise the client of their policy’s requirements for engaging vendors to ensure coverage for vendor-related expenses and provide their carrier’s incident response panel. Certain policies may limit or exclude coverage for non-panel vendor expenses. Alert your client to any vendor limitations as soon as possible.

Lastly, strongly encourage your client to use CYGNVS for secure communications if there is a reasonable suspicion of system compromise. If your client turns down CYGNVS, use your best judgment while continuing communications via email. Be extremely cautious when sending policy information during a cyber extortion event.

You may share the following guidance with your client while this event is being assigned to help set their expectations:

  1. You will receive a call from the next available Marsh cyber claims advocate to discuss next steps.
  2. You should contact your primary carrier’s reporting hotline or email. With your permission, Marsh can call the hotline on your behalf. Your carrier will assign a claims adjuster to your event as soon as possible.
  3. Expenses incurred prior to reporting the event to your carrier may not be covered. Carefully review the requirements in your cyber policy before incurring expenses.
  4. Your carrier may have a panel of experienced incident response vendors that are available to assist you. The engagement of non-panel vendors may be subject to prior consent provisions and hourly rate caps. Please review your policy and your carrier’s incident response panel.
  5. If corporate systems are potentially compromised, do not share critical documents via email and move to out-of-band communication methods. Marsh can provide your organization with complimentary access to CYGNVS, a secure out-of-band communications platform to manage the event.