Thank you for submitting this cyber event. Shortly, you will receive an email from CYGNVS Support <> with a unique reference number. 

A member of the Marsh cyber claims team will be assigned to contact your client as soon as reasonably practicable.

You may share the following guidance with your client while this event is being assigned to help set their expectations:

  1. You can expect a call from a Marsh cyber claims advocate to discuss next steps.
  2. Expenses incurred prior to reporting the event to your carrier may not be covered. Carefully review the requirements in your cyber policy before incurring expenses.
  3. Your carrier may have a panel of experienced incident response vendors that are available to assist you. The engagement of non-panel vendors may be subject to prior consent provisions and hourly rate caps. Please review your policy and carrier’s incident response panel.
  4. We can move the coordination and management of your event to CYGNVS, an out-of-band communications platform that enables collaboration with all stakeholders involved with your cyber event. There is no charge to you to use CYGNVS.